Archive for Jun 2011
Gravititation Tutorial
dslr camera / dgital camera of course la kn
tripod / kerusi utk letak camera
remote / timer so that mase nk tekan shutter, kamera xbergerak
kerusi / meja / apa saje yg dapat menampung berat korang
model / anda sendiri (aku xdapat sbb gemok sgt, takut patah kerusi!! =0= )
Setting camera:
WB main kelvin jgn set "AUTO" sbb setiap snap akan berlainan wb, nnti akan trouble masa proses edit
Manual focus / aperture rendah so that kurang depth antara subjek ngan background.
Flash / No flash tak kisah mane satu. janji terang lagi bersuluh. hehe!

more tutorial here
Lagu hari ini #5

Beggin' - Madcon
[Tshawe Baqwa:]
Put your loving hand out, baby
I'm beggin
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out baby
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out darlin
Ridin high, when I was king
Played it hard and fast, cause I had everything
Walked away, won me then
But easy come and easy go
And it would end
[Yosef Wolde-Mariam]
[Tshawe Baqwa:]
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out darlin
[Yosef Wolde-Mariam:]
I need you, (yeeah) to understand
Tried so hard
To be your man
The kind of man you want in the end
Only then can I begin to live again
[Tshawe Baqwa:]
An empty shell
I used to be
Shadow of my life
Was hangin over me
A broken man
Without a throne
Won't even stand the devils dance
To win my soul
[Yosef Wolde-Mariam]
[Tshawe Baqwa:]
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out darlin
[Yosef Wolde-Mariam:]
I'm fighting hard
To hold my own
No, I just can't make it
All alone
I'm holdin on
I can't fall back
Now that big brass ring
Is a shade of black
[Tshawe Baqwa:]
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out darlin
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out darlin
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin, beggin you
Put your loving hand out darlin
The Lost Mosque

The Lost Mosque - Google
Xtreme Photo Manipulation
Ok, sebenarnyer aku dh lama x buat photo manipulasi ni.. kalu ada pon, yg ringan ringan je la.. kali ni aku terlebih rajin plak.. saje nk test skills. thnx to mmber aku yg showkan contest KUKUBESI GERAK GEMPUR 1.. so aku decide nk join la, saje je la.. xde keje kn.. lg pon xmembazir kalu kite buat benda yg kite suka kn..
actually concept yg aku cuba ketengahkan adalah oil painting style. kalu dulu dulu oil painting mmg style dia agak unik, lembut dan osem, so aku cuba nk ketengahkan konsep tu dalam karya kali ni. Inspirasi dari Game DOTA pon ada. aku tengah belek belek reference terjumpe karya artgerm yg dulu dulu. so idea tu datang.
Bab rambut tu mmg bekeng skek. Untuk rambut laki, aku dpat idea dari tgk tv. sambil aku buat kerja ni, aku bleh tertgk iklan DAIA - Serbuk Pencuci Baju, kan ada jurucakap dalam iklan tu rambut mcm mop lantai.. so aku masukkan skali dlm karya ni. untuk rambut pmpuan plak aku teringat Storm dalam cite Xmen.
Laki rambut gelap ekor putih, Pmpuan rambut putih ekor gelap
kat sni aku try deliver symbolic idea tentang kesempurnaan. Perfection is hard & kills time. Kalu kte terlalu menitikberatkan kesempurnaan, xde keje yg siap sbb kte xpernah puas, kn? Nanti kalu aku cerita pasal teori Karl Marx, korang xpaham.. so aku pkai bhasa senang.. camner nk fight perfection? hah, baca sini
Kenapa kuda? kenapa x katak ke, bewok ke, burung ke, kura kura ke?
aku pilih kuda sbb 2 benda;
posisi karakter tu sendiri, kalu nate (binatang) lain tu agak susah ler nk merge kan ngan karakter.. so aku nampak kuda ni ada shape yg bleh mashup ngan karakter laki pompuan ni..
sbb ke dua, berbalik pada konsep aku oil painting..
kalu kte prasan zaman dulu kn ramai artist lukis kuda.. so aku ikut jer ler.. nama pon konsep. ;)
Tajuk dia Baila Conmigo bahasa spain bermaksud Menarilah denganku

stock photo akan aku tunjukkan kalu ada masa.. tehehe ;)

takde ape arini, just some trick photoshop yg aku baru belajar.. nk tau camne? doposen