hye there.sorry ganggu tibe2.i know u dont know me bt i know u.cehh.ayat,no, actually i've been following ur photoblogs and i LOVE ur photos.shots memang mantap. and since u're used to all this publishing thing, i sort of need ur opinion and help on somethings.harap boleh dijawab jika mempunyai masa & kesudian :)
1.kalau nak print for magazine,and layouts di edit dengan CS, kite perlu save dalam format ape untuk retain color, and senang bwak kt publisher?
2. Kalau kite amek pic biase gune dslr, resolution okay ke if we use that pic tros as a layout,full pagespread for magazine (size mag standard,around a4)?
tu je.again maaf tibe2 ganggu tapi kalau nk belajar perlulah tanye yang pro ryte?
thnk u vry much fr ur time n attention! :]
ok first of all, tq tq tq sbb appreciate my work and all.. and saya bukan pro dalam industri ni.. baru je 12 tahun pengalaman.. ngahahaha.. still byk kene blajar..
soklan satu:
ok for publishing, semestinya kita set color mode CMYK. never use RGB for publishing.. RGB cuma bleh pakai utk web saja.. bila u pakai CMYK, insy'allah color dalam screen monitor anda dan printing sama 99.9999%.. wow! and utk qualiti yg besh, sila save as PNG..
soklan kedua:
ya, u can use the photo straight away without resize or change the resolution, but 1st of all make sure camera setting mestilah LARGE & FINE size.. u got what i mean rite?
kan dalam kamera ada 4 saizsetting ; SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE & RAW FILE.. so choose LARGE. it should be ok..
3 Responses to “Tanya ABANG CYRUS”
aing.. RAW file untuk ape dowh? aku setting kamera aku RAW + FINE [dari dulu sampai skang] untuk amik gamba2 bese. sile advise taufu.. eh. sifu..
giler hebat ko skang, siap ada orang tanya lagi tu..;)
yela, maklumla 12 tahun pengalaman hahahha~
good on u bro.
keep up the good work..:)
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